How do I become a vendor or volunteer at the market?
Please click the Become A Vendor link to be considered as a vendor for the markets. To become a volunteer, please use our Contact Us page. Thank you!
Are pets allowed in the market?
Although we love our fury friends, the answer is unfortunately not. The Health Department does not allow pets to be within 20ft of any food or produce booth in order to keep the public safe from food contamination. Service dogs, with proper licensing, are the only exception. Thank you for your understanding.
Can I use my credit or debit card at the market?
Yes, most vendors take credit card or will accept venmo. Most of the time we also have an ATM available.
I lost something at the market, who do I contact?
Contact our Market Manager, Kree Abravanel.
Are there bathrooms available at the market?
Yes, there are portable restrooms available at the Ski Run Farmers Market as well as at the Meyers Mtn Market. Tahoe Paradise Park also allows us to use their indoor park bathroom in the clubhouse.
Is there parking?
We highly recommend walking and biking if you are able, to save our beautiful Tahoe air! But the answer is yes, there is parking for the MMM available on E San Bernardino Ave & Bakersfield St. the roads leading into the park entrance. There is also overflow event parking at the Magnet School as well! On Market days, the gate to the park will be closed to ensure everyone’s safety. For the Ski Run Farmers’ Market, you are able to park on the public streets surrounding the market, being careful not to block the fire lane.
When is the market open?
The market is open from the first week of June through the second week of September. We are open rain or shine!
Do I need my own bag?
While all vendors have plastic bags for purchase, we encourage you to bring your own eco-friendly shopping bags or purchase a reusable bag at the Market Info booth!
Who do I contact about playing music at the market?
Contact Kree Abravanel, the Market Manager, to inquire about joining our music schedule at the market.